Three month blogger update: I’m not dead!

New post coming tomorrow or the day after. It’s long and dense and wordy and talks about novels.

I spent the past two weeks trying to process an unpleasant emotional event. I did a lot of reading and sleeping and lying around. I think I’m coming out of the funk.

Some observations:

  • Eyesight prolly has something to do with lowered mood. I feel markedly better on days I wear contacts.
  • The urge to buy new articles of makeup/clothes is likely an expression of me trying to move on with my life. Better not to repress it.
  • Creature comforts should be allowed, at least for me, and I’m better off erring on the side of too much than too little. If I don’t remind myself, I’ll usually end up being way too stoic with my purchasing decisions.

I was thinking about how to schedule this blog too. I want to keep some kind of loose schedule, but don’t want to make it too strict.

The best iteration might be: new post every week for sure, and if I have more to share, there’ll be an extra post.

The day I update for sure will be Monday or a day on the weekend, but I can’t decide yet. Don’t have enough data. Need more experimenting.

It’s kind of helpful that I found out that blog posts reach something like 90% of their page view potential 8 months after posting (source: Income School YouTube channel). Apparently it takes this long for Google to figure out where to place a new blog in the rankings.

8 months.

I don’t know if this is true, but if it is, well, we have a long journey ahead of us. And it explains why a lot of bloggers quit writing after the first couple of months. Because at this stage, google isn’t bringing in anyone, even the ones that would potentially be interested in their writing. It’s kind of sad. Even if you don’t care about page views, most people want some exposure to an audience.

Well, there was my 3 month blogger update.

I’m pretty sure the honeymoon phase is over. I stopped stalking my stats. I’ll glance at them whenever I post something new and that’s pretty much it.

I had to put my personal project on hiatus but I’ll eventually be coming back to it.

See you in a couple of days!😁

Blunt Japanese Woman

About the “8 months” thing. Did you feel this in your blog? In blogs you follow as a reader? Or is this number complete bullshit? Tell me what you think!

11 thoughts on “Three month blogger update: I’m not dead!”

  1. I don’t think I’ve hit 8 months yet. I’ve had people arrive at a couple of my posts via google just 2 times so far (I think, I don’t look at my stats as obsessively as I did earlier on). I decided not to get bogged down in researching how to bring traffic to my blog, though. I think stressing about that would offset the benefit I get from writing right now.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. According to what I learned from Income School (YouTube channel), bringing views from google seems to be about answering questions that people ask google. So an article like “how to feed a parrot” would get traffic, whereas “why I like my pet parrot” won’t. I can see that this is kind of hard to implement in a personal blog though😑


  2. Hope you’re doing okay 🙂
    When I first started blogging I got a few likes and barely any views. It was at least 8 months before things picked up, although I did have one post get 1500+ views when I was talking about The Flash!
    I’d like to find my niche a bit more, but maybe after university. The thing that surprised me most about blogging is how much time it takes!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ooh so the 8 month thing really might be true. Interesting. I’m assuming The Flash! was a trending topic at the time? (I’m googling it)
      I kind of assumed that you’ve “found” your niche already (fantasy writer blog) so I’m surprised. Oh and yeah, blogging does take a lot of time! It’s like starting a brand new hobby. It’s taking on a life of its

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      1. At the time The Flash was airing on TV and there was a bit of a debate on who the identity of the villain was. I had crazy theories and the post was popular 🙂
        The issue with my blog is I’m worried I’m geared too much towards writers, who, if they’re anything like me, are broke and can’t afford to buy many books! I was thinking of trying to appeal more to readers.

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          1. That’s a cool page, thanks 🙂 I’ll check out some of those blogs to see what they write about!
            I’ve done a few book reviews before, (I’m even drafting a post now!) but I watch far more TV so maybe pop culture, fan theories, and video game posts may be an idea too 🙂

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            1. Just in case you don’t know (this is something I learned from an SEO youtube channel): the way to get views from google is to answer questions that people are asking. So something like “How to feed a parrot” is going to get more views than “Why I like parrots” (because no one in the world is going to google “why does bluntjapanesewoman like parrots”). And the way to look for good questions/search queries is to type the subject into the search bar and see what pops up in the search suggestions. If the search results only show reddit posts (=no blogs articles), this means that if you jump in with a good blog article, you could grab the traffic.

              I was wondering if you could use this method for pop culture stuff. A lot of competition would be in reddit posts right? And to the average internet surfer, apparently reddit threads are seen as garbage and they would much rather read a blog article.
              The 8 month thing might interfere, but I can imagine that there would have been lots of people searching for “Joker Movie fan theories” last month 😀

              Liked by 1 person

              1. That’s great information, the reddit tip is awesome 🙂 SEO feels overwhelming but I hope by the time I finish a book I’ll figure it out!

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  3. Glad to hear you’re coming out of your funk. You’re right to indulge a little bit in life around times like this. It’s an artificial happiness, but it’s happiness nonetheless.

    8 months seems fairly spot on, give or take a month or two. I’ve had my blog for about two years but didn’t start posting seriously until about a year and a half ago. Around 7 or 8 months it exploded, in its own little way. I only have about 300 followers but I got most of them around that time. Now I consistently get at least one new follower a day. It’s crazy to me.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi c, thanks. I never realized how hard I was on myself until I loosened up a little bit.
      Very interesting to see that the 8 month number can apply to WordPress followers too😃


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