Meaning of life: I am the logistics manager for my brain

This is how I see the meaning of life at this moment in time.

I am the logistics manager for my brain.

I take care of physical things such as food, shelter, sleep, and safety so my brain can function effectively.

I take care of mental health and spirituality so my brain can function effectively.

I give my mind plenty of opportunities to meet other gifted minds. This is why I go out of my way to mingle with healthy mathematicians and physicists, artists, etc.

I avoid the presence of unhealthy or harmful people.

I gently direct my attention towards what is important.

I make sure what comes out of my mind will be taken seriously by the rest of humanity.

Humanity currently judges whether or not to listen to somebody by their monetary success, or credentials.

Do I agree with this? No. But it’s the reality of the world I live in at this point in time. I cannot change it, at least in the 80 or so years of life I’m given.

Can I go with the monetary success route? No. Money making is not my chief talent.

But can I go with the credentials route? Yes. Will it be easy? No. But it’s possible, so as the logistics manager I’m going to make sure it gets done, since it is worth the cost.

This means I have to get a PhD or at least a masters degree in my field. Even if I personally feel that academia is ridiculous. Even if I personally don’t like it.

I’m doing this so when I have something to share with the rest of the world, I will not have to waste my time on an unnecessary battle for credibility. I can focus my energy on improving the paper, not proving to people that I am sane.

I will be happy when I’m doing a good job as the manager. That means:

  • My brain is healthy
  • Money, quality, and time are being managed adequately

This to me is happiness.

My view on this may change in ten years. Heck, it may change next year.

But for where I am in time right now, I see it like this, and this is good enough for me.