Hey so I’m actually an ENTJ lmao

Hey so it turns out I’m actually an ENTJ.

Why I used to think I was an INTP is because of abuse (I was repressing my extroverted side to avoid danger), and because I wasn’t in an environment where I could thrive in the first place.

How I came about this realization is through experimentation and observation.

I experimented with being alone versus being around people. Also being around dumb people and smart people.

I experimented with being sedentary and active. Also with having an objective to my actions, and not having one.

I kept track of my mood using an app (it’s called Mood Meter and it was like a dollar. I recommend it).

Turns out, I am the happiest when I am (1) around other people AND (2) the other people are intelligent AND (3) we have some kind of objective (it can be work, or semi-structured casual conversation like debating about sth). I would place this at 10/10 happiness.

I am the most miserable when (1) I am alone AND (2) doing nothing. I would place this at 2/10 happiness.

I used to believe this state of (1) being alone AND (2) doing nothing, a 2/10, is the norm.

I was wrong. I only believed this because i had been doing this since the time I was a teenager, and thought this was normal.

And boy was I wrong.

Anyhow now that I know I’m an ENTJ, this is a great big placebo but who cares since it’s working, I have been feeling even more energized and productive than before.

I realized I was using myself incorrectly.

For me, I am turned on the most by:

  • Rational thinking
  • Not wasting my time
  • Investing in good people and projects
  • Getting results in the real world
  • Being physical at times to get the ball rolling

And I am completely turned off by:

  • Overly sensitive or irrational people
  • Waffling around with no purpose
  • Wasting my time on stupid people and things
  • Whiny daydreamers
  • Sitting in the same spot for more than three hours

So this explains my intense dislike for the daydreamer archetype (for example, INFP). I have an almost visceral sense of contempt for this type of thinking.

I try to be be open minded and engage. Then I’m completely drained (because it’s so ridiculous, but rude to say so, so I have to stfu and pretend to be nice), and walk away. It’s happened at least three times in my life — I don’t blame myself anymore for disliking certain things. I am allowed to not like everybody.

My thinking goes like this.

  • “If writing is so important to you, why don’t you write for an hour a day at least?”
  • “If you want to make a living doing art, why don’t you humble yourself and go learn how to sell?”
  • “If piano is so important to you, why don’t you google “how to practice” and try their suggestions?”
  • “If you want to learn Italian, why not buy a book on Amazon right now? You’re wasting your time. Here, I’ll buy the book for you if you’re broke”

And this kind of thinking is apparently offensive and hurtful to some kinds of people, and I am utterly drained stepping on eggshells around them.

To be honest I don’t understand it.

Why wouldn’t you want to get good results? Why would you let your feelings trump over truth and rationality? Why succumb to lies? Just because you feel something, it doesn’t mean it’s true.

This part of why I still suspect I may be autistic.

But my solution to this problem was simple:

  • Get a harder job where the people are less stupid
  • Go to a field where you need a STEM degree to get in
  • Hang out with people from pure math/physics grad school

And I am doing pretty well in my new life.

The STEM restriction cuts out lazy people, and the math grad school criteria adds a reliable IQ filter. (If you know any other good filters, please let me know (and no Mensa please)). Also this provides a steady stream of cute INTPs and ENTPs.

Well anyways, nice talking to you all and have a nice day.